Centered on the Edge
Centered On the Edge – Mapping a Field of Collective Intelligence & Spiritual Wisdom is a 90 page collective exploration into those moments of magic when collective insight, co-creation and action emerge within groups.
As part of the seed project for the Collective Wisdom Initiative, over 100 people were surveyed about their work with groups and 61 were interviewed. The authors have endeavored to mirror back what these people said; to bring form to the images and energies that pulsated throughout this process; to capture some of the textures and multi-dimensionality of the deeper harmonic which was heard and felt.
At the heart of Centered On the Edge is an intricately woven braid of three strands of writing. One strand of this braid is a series of eight pattern stories written by Alan Briskin. Each story is an excerpt from one of the interviews, followed by commentary from Alan highlighting some of the insights and paradoxes the stories reveal. One of the eight stories is taken from an interview with Tom Callanan and is called “From Lacrosse to Healing Our Species.” We call these “pattern stories” because the themes, organizational elements, and group dynamics evident in each story appeared repeatedly throughout the interviews.