Naming the Network
The name for this network is still a work in progress. “Wisdom Funders’ Network” is our current placeholder. Our job has been complicated by the fact that the network is defined, not by a specific content area such as education, social justice etc., but instead by a broad strategic aim (personal and social transformation, oneness, wisdom) and approach (relationship-centered, contemplative, participatory, wholistic). None of these terms seems adequate in capturing the potency and power of the domain that this network is serving. Please send us your thoughts, feedback and creative ideas. Names offered thus far include:
CASA: Contemplation and Social Action: A Funders Network
Contemplative Funders Circle (CFC)
Equinox: A Community of Inquiry and Practice
GRAIL: Grantmakers for Reflection, Action and the Inner Life
Like Hearted Funders Circle
Mindful Philanthropy Network (MPN)
Philanthropy and the Inner Life (PIL)
Relationship Centered Philanthropy Circle (RCPC)
Roundtable on Contemplation in Action (RCA)
SILENT: Service, Inner Life, Evolution, Nothingness, Transformation
The Transformational Philanthropy Network (TPN)
Wisdom in Philanthropy Roundtable (WPR)
Wisdom Funders’ Network (WFN)
Wisdom in Philanthropy Network (WPN)